Saturday, July 28, 2012

Roosts and Die Offs and Parties, Oh My!

Apologies. As the summer winds to a close, I seem to get more busy instead of less busy, so thereby this blog suffers. Some days it's just very hard to make it down to the institute to publish stuff. Only so many hours in the day. And our trailer's wifi is...well, a poor excuse for wifi, as I'm learning right now. My goals for this week are as follows:

-We're setting up another die off project as a whole lab thing on St Simons where the snail densities and sizes are bigger and scarier. Mine's still going but this one will likely become its own paper, which I'm going to be co-authoring as far as I know. My involvement'll be building the cages and setting it all up.
-I need to do two surveys. Surveys are fun and not as good evidence as real experiments, but still a good addition to any paper. These'll be focused on my Range project, which was the one looking into the range of snail responses to the crabs.
-Assorted other data, and maybe taking out cages from one of my advisor's old projects.

Speaking of my advisor, he's moving to England tomorrow :( So we're having a get together tonight, rather soon. We just got done with a tennis tournament, and this morning we picked out plots for the aforementioned die off project.

Thursday if I recall was just a data day, and yesterday likewise, but the cool thing was, I finally checked out this roost I'd spotted on the edge of the marsh. No pictures yet, but there were wading birds of all description. Spoonbills, egrets, maybe some nightherons.

Oh yeah and I had a green heron check me out in the marsh one day. He circled me once or twice and I was like whaaat.

But yeah! Business! But I'm pleased to announce I should be fully done with this project and home by probably the end of next week (~the 10th). So yeah. Light at the end of the tunnel. That's something, isn't it?

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