Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cages and Blood and Baby Birds

A mid-day post, oh goodness! And on time, too!

So I'm in the midst of a break in cage building. My advisor leaves in about an hour :( There's been a rush to get some cards and stuff together to see him off. I'll let y'all know how that goes.

But on a lighter note, I have wildlife to share!

I found this little guy on the wall outside of our trailer. Adorable.

This morning after taking some cages out of the marsh, I went for a walk to the roost. The roost was pretty empty, but I did spot this little guy on the way. He's a chuck-will's-widow, so named for their call. They're nocturnal, so this guy was pretty sleepy.

More of him.

But the capstone to the experience was this. These are baby egrets, or possibly great blue herons. They're thoroughly adorable. We may go back later. I'll post more pics if I get any! And as always, high res shots on my flickr

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