Monday, July 16, 2012

More Data, More Wilderness

So I'm up this early trying to register for an Ecology Lab, but y'all guys get a blog post out of it, so whoo.

The die-off project is up and has had data taken on it. Looking good so far. I take more today and some on Dispersion. I'll let y'all know how that goes.

On another note, 2 cool naturey things. First off, yesterday I looked out the window of our trailer to behold this!

Deer are absurdly common out here, but it was still kinda neat. Never seen them come into our area directly - they usually hang out on the outskirts. Including the albino deer.

Also as I sit here waiting to register for that course, outside are lots and lots of these little guys.

I really, really want to wrangle them. But I have things to doooooo. :( 



Double update sorry lol:

So I was talking to Jenn earlier about my need to do a survey for my project. In ecology, a survey is anything where you're only taking data - no experimental manipulations, just telling it how it is. In psychology (her field) a survey is a questionnaire given to participants in your study. Well, today, at her request, I took a survey in the second definition.

Using the eraser maybe?

I don't think he understands pencils.

Fun fact - these guys froth at the mouth when stressed.

I am debating having a science crabs photo shoot. Maybe one a day.

Also here is a pregnant fiddler crab:

The eggs are that spongy mass beneath, being held in place by the plate of carapace just visible in this shot. See the crab anatomy lesson post - it's the broad plate that distinguishes female from male.

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