Monday, July 2, 2012

The Infinite Business

So I have a list of things about a mile long to get done this week, including but not limited to:

Chopping down another half of a bamboo forest for pipes;
Making sure my gridded quadrat works and is sufficient;
Making about 50 more cages because apparently 4 crabs per plot is lowballing it;
Finding about 18 plots for my experiment;
Maybe getting some agar too for my experiment;
Setting it all up;
Taking data on both it and my current mini project.

So yaaay.

Today I made a gridded quadrat for use with the main experiment. It basically just makes a grid to look at what's where when taking data. Looks something like this:

So pretty low tech but still effective, assuming it works out properly. Had to use a dremel to make the holes for the fishing line, which was pretty cool. I like dremels.

Otherwise, I've been putting together materials for the project, and also taking data. Data was alright today, have yet to put it all into the spreadsheets, but I did spot some cool stuff taking it.

Hard to spot, but there is a very skinny spider on the left stake. He'd strung up a web between two of my bamboo posts.
Either a very oddly colored marsh/sand fiddler or a different species. I've yet to ID the guy.

Very upset with me, hence the frothing at the mouth, a classic sign of crab stress.

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