Saturday, July 7, 2012

Fluffy Stuff for the Non-Science Buffs

So if you're interested in the science and what I've been up to for the past 5 days, see the previous post. If not, and you just like the cool stuff I see out there, this post goes out to you!

Because last night, I saw a loggerhead turtle. Two, in fact.

These pictures are the same girlie, but she was pretty neat. We wanted to leave the other one be.
Yep. We went out to the beach just to swim (And also see the bio luminescence, another super cool feature of our beach. Basically swimming agitates little bacteria which glow bright blue. Kind of like swimming through a galaxy or something.) and in the process found a turtle!

Those pictures are edited to be in black and white because the original copies were red, actually. Bright, white light bothers the turtles, you see. They can't actually see red light, though, so it's more turtle friendly. So cool though. This was a great way to end such a difficult week - at some points it was really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Ironically, too, I had just been telling one of the roomies that I'd really wanted to get out one night and see the turtles, too. Loggerheads are common on this beach at this time of year, but they nest in the wee hours (midnight to around 4 AM). This big girl came up onto the beach and dug herself a hole, but didn't do any laying. She'll probably be back tonight to lay proper.

I am debating going back out, but we'll see. It's  my day off so I have no plans. Whatsoever. It's beautiful.

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