Monday, July 23, 2012


So apologies for the lull in posts - I went back to Tallahassee for what's likely to be my last weekend off. Mostly just hung out - saw the Dark Knight Rises with Jenn. I highly recommend it. I dunno if it necessarily tops the second film but it's very good nonetheless. Go watch it!

Today was another day of pure data. I regret to admit that dispersion may be getting set aside. Just wasn't working out. Dead crabs, crabs getting into control plots, and misbehaving snails that didn't show any real trend. Oh well, though. Die-off and Range still look good and I have a few other ideas up my sleeve. If nothing else this is a nice "welcome to the real world" - projects sometimes don't work at all despite all the effort you put into them, where others, even simple ones that were set up in an afternoon (die-off), pull through brilliantly.

Another cool feature of die-off apart from the obvious - there are enough snails and enough damage to really seriously bend and break some of these leaves. It may be an important piece of the puzzle and it's one I plan on taking data on when I do final radulations.
But, to make up for my lack of posts, I have two science crabs for the price of one to show off, and another marsh oddity.

This, my friends, is a mussel (black, center of the pic) inside of a dead mussel (in white, surrounding it). I dub it, MUSSEL-CEPTION.

This little guy may have picked a bit too big of a PVC pole for crab-catching. Why he'd want to catch more of his kind beats me.

Much to my chagrin, both the crab gymnastics program AND the new marsh research site marking Crab Flags (tm) product pitch failed.
Oh god. I just realized. I've become one of those people who makes lolcats. ONLY WITH CRABS. D:

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