Thursday, August 2, 2012


So I did my first (of three) surveys today trying to tie my research into the natural picture of things. This one consisted of finding 10 crab burrows and taking a set of data (snail climbing heights, radulation damage, foot down, etc) for each one, and then comparing it to the same data from 10 other small areas without burrows. The data looks pretty fantastic and I'm glad to see it turned out.

Other than that I took a little other data today and against my usually stellar judgement took my DSLR onto the marsh. I have some really good pictures that I'll post later when I get the chance.

Things are really winding down here for me. I have my surveys and a little extra data + taking down experiments to do, and I should be done here. It's crazy to think the end is in sight, finally. I will definitely miss this place though. It's been a crazy experience and has really taught me a lot.

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